Medicine Hat and District
Retired Teachers'
MHADRTA promotes good fellowship among teachers and serves as a liaison with the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA)
which is located in Barnett House in Edmonton.
ARTA offers an insurance plan for retired teachers which provides coverage for Health, Dental, Extended Health Care, Travel, Property, and Life.
MHADRTA and the sevent other ARTA Branches work to improve conditions for retirees, serve as a political influence, and maintain connections to organizations with mutual interests.
Branch Representatives to the Board of Directors of ARTA keep members informed of the activities of ARTA as they relate to the welfare of our members.
(intro by Donna Mae Goldade)
Membership in MHADRTA is $15.00 per year, beginning on July 1st and ending on June 30th.
Our “To H_ _ _ With The Bells” general meeting is the fun kick off to the school year
and is held , traditionally, on or close to the first day of school.
All retired teachers and guests are welcome.