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Clarence Goldade Memorial Scholarship

On October 5, 2018, Shirley Martin (Clarence's aunt), Donna Mae Goldade, and Sheldon Winhnam (in charge of scholarship program) presented the Clarence M. Goldade scholarship to one of the two recipients, Kristen Blasetti. The other recipient, Ty Jans, was not in attendance. The second picture includes Kristen and Eagle Butte principal Mark Heinricks

On October 6, 2017, Donna Mae Goldade and Mel Deydey, President of MHADRTA, presented the Clarence M. Goldade Memorial Scholarship of $500.00 to Eagle Butte student Lara Stockman. This scholarship is given to a student studying to become an educator. We were fortunate to have both the recipient and her mother present.

On October 7, 2016, at Eagle Butte High School, Donna Mae Goldade presented the Clarence Goldade Memorial scholarship to Brittney Spears. As Brittney was at University, her mother Mrs. Peters accepted on her behalf.

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